Dame Zapatos

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Well John, this is the price you pay for not making a pretty face in what could have been an awesome picture....revenge is sweet...no you don't hate me. Posted by Picasa

Foley has left the Lou....

Well I have about 17 mosquitos bites that I have found to date...oh the price of being a good friend! The departure of my best friend who is a boy is bittersweet. On the one hand quite proud of his getting into dental school and getting the hell out of stl and on the other hand sad because i'm stuck here for a week and a half and he was required to hang out with or listen to me bitch & moan and or cry about while he was still residing in this hot as hell shithole i currently call home....luckily he is still required to listen to me bitch and moan, (lucky you!)that is until about 3 days prior to dental school orientation when i fully expect to do some listening due to a possible stress-related mental breakdown ;-)

I am moving out of my apartment early, thursday instead of sunday, and treaking down to Chi-town this weekend if all goes smoothly....why spend my last free weekend in stl...anyone, anyone?...exactly

Anyway, back to the subject at hand, this blog is for Foley...thanks for a fun fall,winter,spring, and summer! Congrats & Good Luck at UIC!

Love Ya...you know where to find me if your joints start falling apart ;-)

And I'm spent...time for bed!

Aww look at that punum....and he's not so bad either. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 22, 2005

Not exactly ice-cream or a drink but...

On Wednesday we had a farewell PT gathering at Amy and Cathy's followed by bar-hopping in soulard. I decided to take some initiative and invite Jon. Chris and Krissy were also invited, so I invited him under the pretenses of "your roomie is coming" yadda yadda ya. To my dismay the roomie was not coming so when Jon called to tell me this info I was sure it would be followed with an "I'm sorry I can't make it to the party"...thank God I rarely know what I'm talking about! The conversation went more like this,"so Cundiff isnt coming, but that's not really a problem for me, I just don't want to be like a third wheel for you preventing you from hanging out with your friends"...this I could handle, so I replied, "oh don't worry about that, we are all pretty social. I will roam and my friends with all talk to you excessively, so no worries about being a third wheel" ..."okay good, then I'm coming"....and he did! Craziness, I didn't even have to use any sort of extensive convincing and he knew no one at the party but me...(technically met shannon and eli at the float trip, but still impressive). I like a guy who is comfy flying solo. He got along great with everyone at the party and someone made the comment that it was as if he were making "rounds" (silly dr. jokes) making sure to talk to all of my friends. We went to the Great Grizzly, which was relatively empty, and Amy started requesting that shots be taken...of course I obliged because at this point I was already pretty drunk anyway! A terrible sad pudgy little man was alone on stage with his guitar and a mic as his weapon ripping to shreds great songs by Pearl Jam, Tom Petty, and Jack Johnson...although he didnt do so bad with the Dave Matthew's Band cover...anyway it was an odd environment to say the least. Jon brought out the very valid point that the Great Grizzly did in fact smell like cat litter and beer....not quite the rustic smell they were going for I'm sure.
We left at around 11:30 silly dr's having patients early in the morning, other people and their jobs...ridiculousness :-)
Anyway,I dont know what you would call our little situation here but that's not he point, the point is I'm enjoying the time I spend with him while it lasts and that Jon is great because he is independent and confident and has no problems with people around him know that he's in to me...these are very attractive qualities and it is becoming increasingly clear that I will soon actually regret having to leave StL...oh well, at least it will be a fun two weeks and Jon has certainly set the bar for any future boyfriends I may rustle up.....
P.S.I plan to kill Krissy later for not introducing me to him sooner...bad friend!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Float Trips and Boobies

I don't know who started the tradition of "all the girls exchange tops at 3:20pm" during the float trip, but the tradition remains. I exchanged tops like 3 times...shannon's, bridgitte's, and finally krissy's...all fit surprisingly well! And again as is traditional, I passed out at around 5pm for about an hour with Jon the future anethesiologist, as Krissy and her bf Chris paddled our drunk asses along (technically Eli and Kevin were in our raft but Eli roams when drunk and I think Kevin was busy throwing marshmallows)....something about the heat, dirty water, and beer makes me very tired! Joel came to town for a business meeting and decided to extend his vacation to hang-out with Shannon and experience his first ever float trip. We all went to the baseball game on Friday night and Krissy, Shannon, and I finished an entire bottle of Absolut Vanilla....needless to say we were hammered, yet continued to drink at Al Rabosky's. And I being drunk and generous offered Shannon and Joel my apartment as their make-out palace....I'm retarded, but oh well it made Shannon's day so I took one for the team. Anyway back to Saturday and float tripping...we finally got off the river around 7ish and we were starvin and exhausted. Shannon, Joel, Fischer, Rita, John, Krissy, Chris, Jon, and I all stayed for camping and I began the cooking! We all cashed out quite early that night, probably around 9, though none of us new the exact time because no one has any concept of time when they are in the boondocks. P.S. camping sucks ass...I am still sore in places I didnt know existed and it was hot as hell outside and the ppl camping next to us blasted their radio all night...good selection though a little bush, weezer, coldplay...but still annoying.
The next morning we woke up around 6 am and were starving. Shannon however wanted to go back to "bed" stating in fact that it was too early for breakfast...that's just silly! So I hitched a ride back with Jon, Chris, and Krissy and we stopped off for breakfast at Steak-n-Shake. P.P.S....the worst breakfast ever in my opinion!
Upon finally making it home I crashed for like 6.5 hours interrupted by two pee-breaks and a phone call from Shannon. Jon called, surprised=me, and we talked on the phone for like an hour, I'm a chatty one, and there's talk of ice-cream or a drink sometime this week, we'll see what happens, not holding my breath, though Krissy is quite excited and optimistic as she loves playing matchmaker. I thought for sure I would be up all night secondary to the fact that I had already slept a full night sleep that afternoon but to my surprise and delight I fell asleep again around 11 and woke up at 10:30...I was a complete zombie all day, a bit of sleep overload, and ended up forgetting to pick up Amy from the airport and had to haul ass from Illinois as she sat waiting at passenger pick-up. Hopefully by tomorrow my head will be screwed on straight!
There's a new Nate email and me being annoyed with my dad again (oddly the two events are connected!) but I'll go-off on that tangent tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Why gummi bears are fantastic: Gummi bears are the only type of candy to be turned into a tv show, they were originally a German candy called "dancing bears", and red is the most popular color of gummi bear. Posted by Picasa

Let the packing begin....

I decided to be uber-productive today and get up at 8 am despite the fact that insomnia caused me not to fall asleep til around 3 and all the gatorade i'd consumed caused frequent wake-ups for pee-pee brakes. Of course, as my luck would have it, i ran into to Foley and Crane on Delmar in my "best" p.j's and morning hair sans makeup with the face of death. I proceeded to organize all of my school notes, taxes, receipts etc... into files, grown up stuff as I call it. I moved onto packing my books which surprisingly led to aggravation coupled with depression and anger. I forgot that a long time ago I had hid random Nate memorbilia (receipts from hotels, pics, restaurant menus from various places we'd visited, blah blah) within my favorite books so that I would, in theory, find it unexpectadly one day and smile...good in theory, bad once you've broken up. This definately goes on the list of things one should remember to discard upon breaking up, stupid, stupid! And I would like to say that I didnt cry but then I would be lying and I dont like to be a mentirosa. Crying led to anger and anger led to cooking alot of food. Emotion-driven cooking is a much healthier alternative to emotion-driven eating, well i guess that is unless you eat all the food you've cooked.
Anyway... luckily I was able to bribe Foley with dinner and a movie which combined with gummi bears successfully got my mind off of everything (thank you Foley and gummi bear makers of America). However I must say that the original movie choice, The Land of the Dead, which was not chosen by me, was terrible and we left before the end. I was humored throughout the movie instead of terrified, not a good sign, and as Foley pointed out all movies that feature John Leguizamo are guaranteed hits! So we decided to do a double feature and slip our way into Dark Water. However, I am a chicken-shit and I snuck to the potty then proceeded to buy tickets, just in case we were being watched by the gestapo of the Esquire theatre..ya never know, plus I'm weenie! Oh well, so I didnt abide by the "cool" kids double feature rule- perhaps this will bring me some good karma, or perhaps I should grow a pair, whichever.
Dark Water was surprisingly good. The ambience was made better by the big black mammas in the audience saying things like "oh this movie bed-not be ova"...thank god it wasnt i think she may have busted some caps in some asses and "don't go in 'der girl"...the girl, Jennifer Connoley, went in anyway.
So it's raining men outside which is nice because I sleep so well when it's raining. However, I will not be able to sleep in which blows a big one...stupid allergist appointment..but hopefully they will be able to figure out the face swelling, rash, and annoyed intestines issues. Keep those fingers and toesies crossed!
Amber wants her real face back, wants her real face back, her real face back, real face back, face back, back..........

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Awww Amber's Showing Me Affection...

So it's official, Nate was apparently right about one thing...I don't show affectionate toward the people I love the most. I suck! Kate unintenionally confirmed my biggest fear today. Well at least now I know so I can fix it. Jamie's wedding went well. It was the perfect Catholic wedding...lot's of kneeling and praying. The reception was crazy 9 free kegs is always a good idea. Doherty showed me some dance moves I wasnt aware that he had and Fischer was in rare form, spilling beer all over me. Murphy was also in rare form. I never thought I'd hear him say "fuck him, fuck his brains out...oh don't tell Jaime I said that, she will disown me for sure." Oh and some guy that was hitting on me decided that pulling the race card would be a good plan of action. Idiot. He was from Chicago and apparently works in the Southside. First he says, "So are you uncomfortable here?" (cause im the only black person there). I say, "uh no, not at all." He says, "Oh good. I dont get uncomfortable in situations like this either. I work in the southside of chicago and it's like this but opposite, ya know what I mean?" My reply was "huh" and my thoughts were "strike 2!" So then I was singing along to some country song and he was like, "oh my god, you're like the whitest black girl ever, marry me right now!" I look at my watch and say, "hmm thanks but I'm all out of time today." I walk off and say "strike 3" under my breath. I swear some boys are actually retarded. Eli made out with him "a little" later that night. He will probably be at Kevin's wedding too! YAY!!!
The fourth of July weekend was filled with lots of liquor and unhealthy food. I got to see the BlackEyed Peas and Switchfoot at the fair downtown. Oh and Kate is no longer a vegetarian!!! I made her her first meat-filled meal...who doesnt like steak and potatoes.This will making cooking in San Diego a lot easier. I blew up toilet with the Bengston Boys. On a good note I can officially run again!!!! yeah. I heart healthy addictions.
The guy I met when my face was all swollen called. I definately did not expect to hear from him. If he thought I looked good then, he is in for a surprise now that my face is pretty much back to normal. I dunno we'll see what happens. I dont' know if Im up for it...Apparently I need to work on showing affection.