Dame Zapatos

Friday, July 22, 2005

Not exactly ice-cream or a drink but...

On Wednesday we had a farewell PT gathering at Amy and Cathy's followed by bar-hopping in soulard. I decided to take some initiative and invite Jon. Chris and Krissy were also invited, so I invited him under the pretenses of "your roomie is coming" yadda yadda ya. To my dismay the roomie was not coming so when Jon called to tell me this info I was sure it would be followed with an "I'm sorry I can't make it to the party"...thank God I rarely know what I'm talking about! The conversation went more like this,"so Cundiff isnt coming, but that's not really a problem for me, I just don't want to be like a third wheel for you preventing you from hanging out with your friends"...this I could handle, so I replied, "oh don't worry about that, we are all pretty social. I will roam and my friends with all talk to you excessively, so no worries about being a third wheel" ..."okay good, then I'm coming"....and he did! Craziness, I didn't even have to use any sort of extensive convincing and he knew no one at the party but me...(technically met shannon and eli at the float trip, but still impressive). I like a guy who is comfy flying solo. He got along great with everyone at the party and someone made the comment that it was as if he were making "rounds" (silly dr. jokes) making sure to talk to all of my friends. We went to the Great Grizzly, which was relatively empty, and Amy started requesting that shots be taken...of course I obliged because at this point I was already pretty drunk anyway! A terrible sad pudgy little man was alone on stage with his guitar and a mic as his weapon ripping to shreds great songs by Pearl Jam, Tom Petty, and Jack Johnson...although he didnt do so bad with the Dave Matthew's Band cover...anyway it was an odd environment to say the least. Jon brought out the very valid point that the Great Grizzly did in fact smell like cat litter and beer....not quite the rustic smell they were going for I'm sure.
We left at around 11:30 silly dr's having patients early in the morning, other people and their jobs...ridiculousness :-)
Anyway,I dont know what you would call our little situation here but that's not he point, the point is I'm enjoying the time I spend with him while it lasts and that Jon is great because he is independent and confident and has no problems with people around him know that he's in to me...these are very attractive qualities and it is becoming increasingly clear that I will soon actually regret having to leave StL...oh well, at least it will be a fun two weeks and Jon has certainly set the bar for any future boyfriends I may rustle up.....
P.S.I plan to kill Krissy later for not introducing me to him sooner...bad friend!


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