Dame Zapatos

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Let the packing begin....

I decided to be uber-productive today and get up at 8 am despite the fact that insomnia caused me not to fall asleep til around 3 and all the gatorade i'd consumed caused frequent wake-ups for pee-pee brakes. Of course, as my luck would have it, i ran into to Foley and Crane on Delmar in my "best" p.j's and morning hair sans makeup with the face of death. I proceeded to organize all of my school notes, taxes, receipts etc... into files, grown up stuff as I call it. I moved onto packing my books which surprisingly led to aggravation coupled with depression and anger. I forgot that a long time ago I had hid random Nate memorbilia (receipts from hotels, pics, restaurant menus from various places we'd visited, blah blah) within my favorite books so that I would, in theory, find it unexpectadly one day and smile...good in theory, bad once you've broken up. This definately goes on the list of things one should remember to discard upon breaking up, stupid, stupid! And I would like to say that I didnt cry but then I would be lying and I dont like to be a mentirosa. Crying led to anger and anger led to cooking alot of food. Emotion-driven cooking is a much healthier alternative to emotion-driven eating, well i guess that is unless you eat all the food you've cooked.
Anyway... luckily I was able to bribe Foley with dinner and a movie which combined with gummi bears successfully got my mind off of everything (thank you Foley and gummi bear makers of America). However I must say that the original movie choice, The Land of the Dead, which was not chosen by me, was terrible and we left before the end. I was humored throughout the movie instead of terrified, not a good sign, and as Foley pointed out all movies that feature John Leguizamo are guaranteed hits! So we decided to do a double feature and slip our way into Dark Water. However, I am a chicken-shit and I snuck to the potty then proceeded to buy tickets, just in case we were being watched by the gestapo of the Esquire theatre..ya never know, plus I'm weenie! Oh well, so I didnt abide by the "cool" kids double feature rule- perhaps this will bring me some good karma, or perhaps I should grow a pair, whichever.
Dark Water was surprisingly good. The ambience was made better by the big black mammas in the audience saying things like "oh this movie bed-not be ova"...thank god it wasnt i think she may have busted some caps in some asses and "don't go in 'der girl"...the girl, Jennifer Connoley, went in anyway.
So it's raining men outside which is nice because I sleep so well when it's raining. However, I will not be able to sleep in which blows a big one...stupid allergist appointment..but hopefully they will be able to figure out the face swelling, rash, and annoyed intestines issues. Keep those fingers and toesies crossed!
Amber wants her real face back, wants her real face back, her real face back, real face back, face back, back..........


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