Dame Zapatos

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Boys will be boys

There is a reason why mothers are apprehensive when it comes to their sons playing with things that contain the word fire...fire, firearms, firecrackers. Brian and Michael were conducting various, we'll call them experiments, with waterproof dynamite firecrackers. Brian was curious as to what throwing the firetoys into their homeade lake would do. As any mature older brother would do, Brian discouraged Michael from throwing the firecrackers in the lake, only to 5 mins later, thrown the dynamite in the lake himself. Brian seemed surprised yet amused when the giant goldfish keeled and decided not to tell his dad just yet he had commited "accidental" fishslaughter. Following in his big bro's footsteps, Michael was curious as to how the dynamite would effect the indoor plumbing. In order to conduct this much needed research, he decided to light one up and put it in the toilet. Luckily, Michael did not decide to flush the toilet thereby limiting the damage to a giant hole in the bottom of the toilet basin and a disappearance of all water. Intelligently, Brian decided he should turn off the water valve to the toilet, cause no one really knew where this water was going. Michael went to his room, gathering all of his money from his summer job and went in to tell Mr. Bengston what had happened. Brian ran up to Shannon's room where we all listened with the door cracked for yelling. To our surprise all we heard was laughter, followed by "well you're gonna have to pay for a new toilet, and help me install it!" That's it, not fair, not fair at all. It's ridiculous how much the younger siblings get away with. All Mrs. Bengston could say was "you're so stupid, that's just stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid." The boys decided to write a list of other fun little stunts that they had performed that had resulted in some sort of property or body damage. At the top of Brian's list was the hitting of the glass beer bottle, while sober mind you, that led to permanent ulnar nerve damage, muscle atrophy, tendon dysfunction, and extensive hand therapy. Michael's list of deeds was puny in comparison to Brian's but as Michael pointed out he does have 5 year start on him.......silly Bengston Boys. ONLY THREE MORE DAYS OF GRAD SCHOOL CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......oh and I love that the mysterious blueberry/heat rash has returned to my face...I feel pretty!


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