Dame Zapatos

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Even Bad Days Have a Silver Lining

I had a dream about Nate last night. We had just broken up and within the same day he had retrieved himself a new galpal, named Jessica. She was a Marine who was beautiful only when out of her Marine gear, however when in front of Nate's friends and family she was always all geared-up so she appeared to be this fat cow. Nate's family criticized him for such a poor choice in a girlfriend. Somehow I end up at his house and I harass the girl asking when they started dating because I was certain he had cheated on me up until the end. To my shock and surprise he had not cheated on me with her and then I dont really remember what happened, but he ended up with a ugly-fattie Jekyl and Hyde type named Jessica.
So I obviously woke up disturbed because Nate is disturbing but I tried to brush it off because I had actually gotten adequate amount of sleep and if I kept at the pace I was going I wouldnt be late for class, obviously a rare occurence.
I get to my car and notice that the passenger door is a bit ajar and that upon inspection papers are strewn all about the vehicle. I start freaking out and checking everything and nothing really seemed to be missing. Apparently the gangstas I rejected yesterday came back for revenge but were not interested in my AnchorMan soundtrack or burned copy of Andrea Bocelli. I could not figure out how the hell they got into my car. No broken windows, no picked locks...I was stunned and curious.
Of course I get to class late now, with a legitimate excuse...shocker...I mouth to Shannon "my car got broken-in to!"
I later tell her about my wierd dream and she immediately said what I had been thinking all morning..."Do you think Nate is sending people to fuck with your car?"
I said, "It's a definate possibility, the thought has crossed my mind."
Then she asks the best question ever, "If Nate had gotten a new-girlfriend, would it bother you."
Without even having to think, I immediatley answered, "OMG no. I couldnt care less. I hope he gets a new girlfriend soon, get married and gets off my back!"....and I actually meant it.
Being able to say this honestly, extremely certain that I meant it with every fiber of my being, was the most refreshing experience, a step in the right direction....so there's my silver lining.


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