Dame Zapatos

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Las Borrachas

When will being ridiculously intoxicated with your friends no longer be fun. I always thought that once you became a grown-up (i.e had a paying job and no longer lived with the rents etc...) that the minutia of shot-taking, bar-hopping, googling boys, and puking your brains out would no longer be appealing. However the actions of myself y mis amigas on Friday night, throw this theory right out the window. The night started out relatively sanely. We decided to have a girl's night out and started the celebration with a make-over of the (presently only) grown-up Amiga, Elizabeth. Hair dyeing, hair cutting, fun make-up, sexy clothes, 3-shot Margaritas we were ready for funtimes. Upon our departure Eli's sis offers to drive us, so Shannon suggests shots...just so you are up to speed with the number of shots consumed up to this point...we have eached downed two of our famous Margaritas....so Shot Time! We take down one drinking to our fabulous makeover. We take down the other to pretty single girls and our last summer together in the same city. Now I remember getting to McGurks and I remember the tequila shot we shared within 5 min of our arrival. What I dont remember is when exactly I started puking between the two metal benches, causing not only residual abdominal pain and that raw throat sensation but also a bruise on my forehead from resting it for an hour on a metal bench. Luckily, Fischer (my fake and emergency-if i'm not married by the time i'm 30- husband) rubbed my back and hair offering me water that I apparently refused, for the entire hour. So my shot count being up to 9 and my counterparts shot count being up to 11 made the rest of the evening an adventure. The girls had started talking to some boys who wanted to go to Buca...I obviously being in no condition to go, would need to be dropped off at home...the girls mentioned this fact to their new found friends and the 3 chicos said no problem, we'll drop her off. I don't remember leaving the bar and vaguely remember getting in the Cheerokee. Somehow we ended up on highway 70, no where near where we needed to be. We had all passed out in the car. Shannon awoke when the boys had pulled into a gas station. She decided that she just needed to focus in order to ensure our safety home. Thank God these boys were actually nice guys. We made it home losing not only our dignity but also Shannon's car keys & $40 gift card to Sephora and my favorite Arden B. hat. The girls, no doubt out of kindness, decided to join in on the puking rally the following day. That's friendship!


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