Dame Zapatos

Monday, June 20, 2005

Gotta Love a Gangsta

So I hate Saint Louis and the feeling gets worse and worse each day. In the last week I have received 3, count em 3, $25 parking tickets. Two I suppose were deserved as I completely ignored and scoffed at the no parking signs, but the other was in no way my fault. I parked behind Laclede's in this rocky, crappy lot so that we could take a shuttle to the Cards-Yankee's game. Upon returning to my car several hours later I find the ticket, cited violation of "parking on unimproved land". What the hell does that even mean and how is that a violation of a city ordinance. If I want to park on a bed of nails I see no reason for the city to punish me for it, that's my stupid move and besides there were no "no parking" signs near the area. I decided to contest the ticket so I treck downtown today and had a little adventure. The woman was very nice said they were going to do a sign investigation, sounds real official but I doubt it, this is the StL we are talking about. So the fun begins when she asks to see my drivers license, which has the address of my ex-stepdad. She said they will mail some letter there telling me if the ticket will be thrown out. "Is this the address your car is registered to?"
"Um, no." I reply. "That would be my grandparent's address in Alton."
"Is the car registered to your grandparents?"
"Um, no." "My dad, he's in Penn."
"Do you think it would be alright with your dad if his mail is going to your ex-step dad's house."
"I think it will be fine. Everybody likes everybody. It just sounds a bit messy when I have to discuss the odd relationships."
The woman kindly nods and I'm like holy hell that was more complicated than necessary.
So I'm heading back to my car and I hear, "Hey you lady are you going to (something jarbled sounding) ?"
"No, I'm not sorry!"
"Well can I talk to you for a minute?"
I just give a dirty look and roll my eyes unlocking and quickly getting into my car.
I should add just so you are getting a good picture what this young man, if you could even call him that, looks like.....pants off the ass, xtra-long t-shirt, single gold tooth replacing his lateral incisor, white baseball cap turned sideways, and tennis shoes that I think may have been either a size to big or in need of a better tie-job....so you got this gangsta in your head
He is now approaching the car now saying, "Hey baby, you're looking fine, can I just talk to you for a minute."
As luck would have it there's fucking red light and I can not really move any farther...so instead I shake my head and laugh as if to say you wish, praying the light would just turn green.
There's always a 3 second brain delay when things like this happen to me. It's like my head is going surely not, man this guy's got some cajones, just keep walking and they'll go away. They never go away. I think these gangsta guys actually believe they are pimps and that standing on a corner yelling at girls will get them some. On the other-hand chicas, dont you just wish that the guys you do want to come up to you in the local bars, at work, or at school or wherever, would get some cajones. Don't just look at a cute girl across from the bar and hope that in her catching you looking at her that she will come up to you. We like you normal good guys to come up to us and say hey...maybe leave out the "hey baby, you're looking fine" but just say "Hi, I think you're kinda cute, what's your name". You don't know how cute we find it!


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