Dame Zapatos

Sunday, June 26, 2005

And Let the Weddings Begin...

The summer wedding season was kicked off on Saturday with the celebration of the union of Chris Cox and Amanda Salisbury...you should hear Amanda giggle when she says "my name is amanda COOOXXXX...heheh". Gotta love Nanas. The wedding ceremony was small and intimate and is to date, the only wedding ceremony that brought me to tears....I had no kleenex, I was ill prepared. I believe the top two cute moments of the ceremony was Amanda's nudging of Chris during his vows, giving him the "are you listening look", followed by the numerous forehead/cheek/mouth kisses Chris showered onto Amanda after the anouncement to kiss his new bride. At this moment all of us girls gave each other the look and thought of our respective fake husbands to be. I feel no need to define the look nor our respective fake husbands as we girls already know what all this means.
The big shocker came at the reception. It was at this beautiful bed and breakfast and they served us appetizers immediately. We were all looking around for the liquor when rumor came round that it was a dry reception. The HORROR!!! I cannot survive most wedding ceremonies without liquid courage. Courtney E. immediately suggests we sneak out to spike our lemonades. Mr. Murphy agreed with this till Mrs. Murphy gave him the look of death. We decided to make the best of it and survive the celebration on a sugar high...we were downing pink lemonades and sweetened iced teas like it was our job. Post-dinner the cappucino bar opened and I had 5, count em five varying cappo's.,.Krissy was right behind with 4! The showed an amazing slide show made by Chris' best-friend Blake. It had us SLU girls in our sports bra-BILLIKEN painted attire...silly drunk 7G-ers!
So all hyped up on caffeine and sugar we started the dance party. The dj sucked for the first 1.5, not gonna lie. He played every cliche wedding song...YMCA, Macarena, Quad City Dj's train song, Electric Slide, that other Slide...it was torture but we did em all. Eventually the dj starting playing better music...Nelly, lots of Nelly and that one about sweat dripping down the balls....so obviously the reception was interesting but oddly fun. We were pretending to be ballerinas and we used Eli as a pole. Court and Shan were lifting and spinning me in the air, Rita and I were doing boob presses...which actually was a bad idea and quite painful...dont try that at home.
The night ended/began at a local bar. All of the wedding party was there. Ashley and Nicollete cut-off the bottoms of their gorgeous bridesmaids dresses, in the back of the bar. I have never seen more ppl throwing back shots and downing drinks in such a short time period. Three shots and three drinks later we left the bar. Rita and Court peed in an alley, Krissy made me smile, Shan didnt make out as predicted, and Eli fell asleep standing up.


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