Dame Zapatos

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Bengstons

So I made dinner for the Bengstons tonite (and did my laundry of course). And I must say that Dad Bengston was impressed with my culinary skills (gotta love Beef Pepper Steak)! He made a funny comment that one often hears after making a good meal "Amber you're gonna make one lucky man real happy one day if you keep cooking like this!" Then Shannon verbalized what I was thinking..."Why does she have to be making a man happy dad? Why not say Amber will continue to make her friends very happy in the future because she cooks so well?"...her mother threw in a good save of "Well Shannon, obviously she is doing that already."....good job Mamma Bengston.
Oh well whatever, whoever I make happy with the cooking I just love doing it. And since I cannot run yet to relieve stress cooking is my only available savior!!!...oh and as Shannon just pointed out drinking.....


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