Dame Zapatos

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Awww Amber's Showing Me Affection...

So it's official, Nate was apparently right about one thing...I don't show affectionate toward the people I love the most. I suck! Kate unintenionally confirmed my biggest fear today. Well at least now I know so I can fix it. Jamie's wedding went well. It was the perfect Catholic wedding...lot's of kneeling and praying. The reception was crazy 9 free kegs is always a good idea. Doherty showed me some dance moves I wasnt aware that he had and Fischer was in rare form, spilling beer all over me. Murphy was also in rare form. I never thought I'd hear him say "fuck him, fuck his brains out...oh don't tell Jaime I said that, she will disown me for sure." Oh and some guy that was hitting on me decided that pulling the race card would be a good plan of action. Idiot. He was from Chicago and apparently works in the Southside. First he says, "So are you uncomfortable here?" (cause im the only black person there). I say, "uh no, not at all." He says, "Oh good. I dont get uncomfortable in situations like this either. I work in the southside of chicago and it's like this but opposite, ya know what I mean?" My reply was "huh" and my thoughts were "strike 2!" So then I was singing along to some country song and he was like, "oh my god, you're like the whitest black girl ever, marry me right now!" I look at my watch and say, "hmm thanks but I'm all out of time today." I walk off and say "strike 3" under my breath. I swear some boys are actually retarded. Eli made out with him "a little" later that night. He will probably be at Kevin's wedding too! YAY!!!
The fourth of July weekend was filled with lots of liquor and unhealthy food. I got to see the BlackEyed Peas and Switchfoot at the fair downtown. Oh and Kate is no longer a vegetarian!!! I made her her first meat-filled meal...who doesnt like steak and potatoes.This will making cooking in San Diego a lot easier. I blew up toilet with the Bengston Boys. On a good note I can officially run again!!!! yeah. I heart healthy addictions.
The guy I met when my face was all swollen called. I definately did not expect to hear from him. If he thought I looked good then, he is in for a surprise now that my face is pretty much back to normal. I dunno we'll see what happens. I dont' know if Im up for it...Apparently I need to work on showing affection.


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