Dame Zapatos

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Still a Slow Learner

Note to self, never, ever, under any circumstances agree to do your coke-head ex-marine, ex-boyfriend a favor...never never never never never.....
Upon unpacking my stuff from storage and moving into my new apartment, I discovered a binder of marine related stuff that was my exes....left overs from when he lived with me no doubt....and I was perplexed as to what to do. Ryan said to just throw it away; I, being the idiot that I am, decided to try and get it to him.....should have just listened to Ryan!
Having just moved into a new apartment, new responsibilities at my job, flying back and forth to PA etc....I have not had time to mail said package...and have received FB messages from said ex....essentially begging that I send it immediately.....
Now the way I see it, he has been without this shit for like 5 or 6 years now...but suddenly, now that he knows that I have it...it's like he can't live with out it...imagine that, addicted...hmm....
The requests started off calm enough, just slight undertones of angst and bitterness....a familiar feeling...like an oh, yeah I remember this trait about you feeling. I reminded him that I was busy as I just moved, but hadn't forgot about the package, and would send it as soon as I could etc.. etc.. I even went so far as to say, I'll sent you a message when I've sent it, so you'll know when to expect it....he's like a 5 year old, lacks patience...odd for someone who required such patience from his loved ones....so today I get the message: "pardon me... beautiful...i am sure that you are busy...and i know that x-bf's are probably low on the list....and I am truly sorry for every assholish thing that I ever did or said... I really am....I'm not that guy anymore....but please mail me that shit......it means me to me than you could imagine.....gracias n."
Hmm...first thought was, who the hell are you calling beautiful, you have long lost the right to call me by anything but my first name...and even that, I'd prefer not to hear/see. And secondly, "assholish thing".....I think that's an understatement....3 years of whoring around behind my back, with strippers on occasion,....I mean c'mon, make it classy at least, dealing with your supposed *recreational* coke/ecstasy/pot habit, you having the audacity to ask my dad, for my hand in marriage whilst proposing to me and a girl in Spain within the same month, the breakups, the breakdowns, the attempts to give away my lingerie to other women, and trying to give their stuff to me, the sleepless nights, and the lost weight, oh the love letters to my sorority sister, the lies and the Prada bags, and bounced checks, and the "sporadic" trips when I was headed on awesome vacations with my girlfriends, the accusations of me..ME cheating on you, and worst of all the giant craters you put in my heart. I wish that I could collect all the tears that I cried over this *asshole* and drown him in them.
That's what I should have said to him, but instead I said:" "please mail me that shit"....nice... already enveloped and set to be mailed tomorrow "....to which, I'm sure to show how he's "not that guy anymore" he says: "Sorry was drinking it is very nice of you and thank you again". I responded in the only way I knew how, "sounds about right"...odd, he didnt seem to have anything else to say at that point.
I'm an idiotic
My friend Chris was right, you really should cut off all ties with exes.


Blogger FSN said...

you are right, I acted like a real jerk- I did not consider your feelings when we dated, or when you had the grace and class to go out of your way to mail me something important to me. For what it is worth , I apologize for all the aforementioned wrongs. I will not even dispute them. I regret my behavior and i am ashamed of it, i know i can not change the past, but you live and you learn- even if slowly. Im not that guy anymore but for being a drunken asshole of a BF during undergrad , i am guilty as charged. i do not expect a response but i am as sorry as i can be. That is a horrible picture

1:28 AM  

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