Dame Zapatos

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Seriously who steals a Justin Timberlake c.d. from someone's car.........some little shit in my valet garage that's who....bastard dillweed shithead.....
Obviously one of the valet drivers has a secret addiction/gay crush on J.T. and cannot face the shame that would be brought upon him if he were to actually prance his little ass into Best Buy lay down $15 and I dunno buy something instead of steal it.
The worst part is I had literally just bought it and so it was not yet stored in my computer so I have to buy the whole thing again...which I will do as the c.d. is awesome.


On a happier note...RCIA was awesome again this week, gotta love any meeting that begins with wine, beer, food and The Simpsons.

Marathon in a week and a half...woohoo...the knees and ankles need a rest.

I finally seemed to break the 5 day bout of insomnia...woohoo 2 days in a row of good wine induced sleep ;-)

And once again fuck the cock sucker who stole my c.d. I hope that as they are putting the c.d. in their car cd player they are struck by a semi or CTA truck.....

Well I guess that's a bit harsh....but I do wish very bad things upon them!

time for a nightcap...then off to bed.


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