Dame Zapatos

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Welcome to the Jungle

I love Wrigleyville for starters and drunk boys make me laugh for uh seconders...
I ended up hanging out with Rigler, Barry, and 2 of Rigler's friends from Madison at Tryst on Clark. By the time I made it to the bar, the two friends- Matt "Rusty" and Masood were rather drunk. Rusty tried to convince me that he could in fact dance and that I was "scared to dance with a white guy"...he obviously does not know very much about be....so we danced...well, actually he danced while I laughed hysterically...same difference. He then decided that he needed to buy me another drink, but I was obviously not drunk enough to appreciate his dancing. As luck would have it a black chick was at the bar as we went up to get my drink and Rusty said "hey would you say white guys dance better in comparison?"...to which she replied, "In comparison to what?".."In comparison to black guys?"..."Ummm, No, black guys dance better."...to which Rusty, obviously hammered, replies.."See that's what I'm saying Amber, you just have to give us white guys a chance."

Round two- Masood.

Masood was on the prowl. While in the cab he says and I quote "Amber what exactly would I have say, hypothetically, if I wanted to make out with you tonite." To which I said, "Um..it's not going to happen, so I guess you can say whatever you want."...this only egged him on more..."Okay what if I ignore you for a couple of hours, so you'll want me more, and then we'll have lot of crazy sex everywhere...do you mind handcuffa?"...at this point in time the cabbie is trying to hold back his laughter, I am laughing so hard I'm almost in tears, and Masood is just looking eagerly for an answer to this insane question..."I don't really see that happening Masood."...

He did not give up here, oh no, it get's better..."Amber you're going to have to take a different cab because I can't stop looking at you, it's killing me...seriously have to touch you...can I touch your abs?"...What? Who says this and subsequently reaches for your abs?...Then he whispers, "Seriously Amber you have an awesome body, like for real, it's the kinda body I just...I shouldn't say it.."..."Well then don't!"...he goes on, but I'll spare the details...needless to say, the boys of Chicago seemed to have stepped it up a notch since the last time I paid any attention. "What if we just make out a little tonite and then when I come back in a month...to be continued, ya know what I'm saying?"...I laughed alot tonite! Oh and he kept telling everyone at Janitzios (my favorite burrito place) that I was his gf.."Have you met my girlfriend Amber, isn't she hot, we are getting married, look at her abs."

Masood and Rusty will be moving here with another buddy in a month. Masood proposed marriage, drunk guys seem to be doing that alot to me lately...and said I have to meet his parents, that our wedding would be in a chapel with a lot of brown people, but not "pastey people like Rusty", and that the wedding would be followed by a lot of sex..again he mentioned handcuffs..he may have some issues.

Oh well, good self-esteem booster, who wouldn't be slightly impressed by two friends taking turns hitting on you...admit it!


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