Dame Zapatos

Sunday, April 23, 2006

"Ya know, they say that 68% of all massages lead to sexual encounters..yeah well this is that other 32% Barry"

The weekend at the Belmont House started on Thursday night. We (Shannon, Barry, John and I), intended on grabbing a few drinks at the house and then going out to a Beer Garden...this did not occur. Instead we had very strong drinks, played drinking games, and initiated the now weekly "Thursday Night/Sunday Day Massage". I passed out on the couch, woke up confused wondering where everyone went then crawled...literally...into bed. At some point in the night Nirvana's "Rape Me" was played...and let's just say, there are some songs that shouldn't be acted out...but I did get some pretty funny pictures.
Friday Night- We met up with Dave, John, and Barry's cousin Chris. We went to the Beer Garden at Zella's where we met up with the remainder of our friends...Diana (best friend of Dave and John), Randy, Brian, Barry, and Vinny (boyfriend of Diana and best friend of Dave). We drunkenly left Zella's and headed to the new John BarleyCorn's that was up the road from Zella's. I do not remember much from BarleyCorn's except a shot, random people mentioning they were coming to our apartment for the party on Saturday, and a very very hot bartender. People slowly started to leave the bar and I was kinda ready to go myself as I knew we were drinking early on Saturday with Dan and were apparently throwing a big ass party....did I mention that John and Barry informed us of this party we were throwing on Thursday "hey girls we are going to have a party to get rid of your keg...we told ppl to get to your apartment around 5 on Saturday...sound cool?"
Anyway, Shannon, Dave and I left the bar splitting a cab with John and "The PA" whose name I now know is Katie...but I'm gonna call her the P.A.
Saturday afternoon began with a pitcher of Margaritas, Bloody Marys and the Cub/Card game. We met Dan at Tarascos on Clark and basically got drunk at 2 in the afternoon. We proceeded to stop into Tin Lizzie's for an additional drink as well as the random Martini bar on Diversey called Scully's (i think)...either way I downed a Martini in 3 mins as it was now 5pm and I was having a party at 5pm and I still needed to cook.
We called John to pick us up from the bar as he had the NEW keg in his drunk and Amber made a bad shoe selection and didnt feel like walking 5 blocks. I then drunkenly made some food...which everyone at the party raved about!...and proceeded to down glasses of water to prepare for round two of the drinking.
Next thing I know our apartment is pleasantly packed with people and we are playing Flip Cup Survivor at our bar....Shannon was the champion, beating out an angry Vinny...needless to say craziness insued, everyone did a keg stand ( I have pictures), my computer was hooked up to Shannon's speakers so we could get surround sound Itunes, shots were being made, and the kitchen floor was covered in beer. We all decided it was time to head to the bars. Shannon, Dave and I headed to AliveOne to meet some of Shannon's friends from Highschool who were in town....Shannon was plastered and I was pretty drunk, but had reinitiated the water drinking. The rest of our party had split up between a bar called Central and the 7 and 10 Pin. We had a meeting point set up at The GoodBar. I was quite certain that Shannon may not have been allowed in The GoodBar given her drunken state, however, she was able to maintain upright posture long enough to get out her id...seeing her negotiate the stairs was a different story all together.
We had been there all of 15 min when I had to sit Shannon on a couch, take her purse and pray she didnt get up as I tried to find Dave and all of our friends...She didnt stay down for long, but luckily I found Dave who then looked at Shannon and immediately knew it was time to get her out of there as she may vomit at any minute and she pouting saying "I need to home now, I just want to go home"...surprisingly, she did not vomit and we all made it home in one piece. I got a call from Barry at 3 am requesting the our apartment now be the "afterhours bar"...I declined as I was very comfy in my bed.
Sunday morning hangover....yup. We met up with John and Barry at the Bagel...Barry was still drunk at breakfast which made for interesting and confusing conversations and excessive giggling. We then proceeded to veg out at the Boys apartment all day watching The People Versus Larry Flint, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and Elf. John made some spaghetti with antelope Italian sausage. Shannon and I finally got off of our asses and headed home around 7pm. It was the laziest Sunday in history...but to be expected given the high volume of activity in the days which preceded it.


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