Dame Zapatos

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Let the Donuts Be Your Guide....

Well, went to the Chicago/Orlando b-ball game tonite. I drank a bit of the "wodka" before I went and then proceeded to eat nachos and a hot dog and have a cranberry and wodka....I was a bit inebriated and obviously not paying attention to the actually game as I arrived at halftime!
However, upon traveling to the game, I smelled fresh donuts...umm umm good then saw the bright lights of the United Center.
Upon leaving the game, a bit tipsy and very tired..I followed the crowd, not paying attention to any street signs along the way..just a follower among the rest of the sheep.
I then dialed Foley for a bit of direction help but to no avail...so I wung it.
Shannon felt we should go one way and I felt we should go another, so we went my way...about 10 minutes later we smelled donuts....we knew we were headed in the right direction!....it's sad but true...follow your nose, it always knows!
So we get to the L...and get on the green immediately followed by the brown and proceed to pass out on the L...luckily we each woke up periodically and did not end up missing our stop.
Then when I got home I chugged some water...(which I'm still chugging) and realized I had an IM from Kraus...which made me smile, so I talked to him a bit about the Boards and the importance of him moving to Chicago!
I then decided to write this blog so as not to forget the day that donuts got Shannon and I back home...


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