Dame Zapatos

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Chicago is a Giant Melting Pot

First of all let's just talk about the 8# bag of Haribo Gummi Bears I bought from World Market today....let's take a moment to celebrate the sugar................................................................
So studying is finally starting to wind down...thank God, I'm dying and I'm starting to hate bagels, hazelnut coffee, and classic garden salad with asian sesame dressing on the side (I'm not normally one of those "but on the side" When Harry Met Sally girl's but this is a special situation).
Whilst I was studying I noticed this cute guy who was appropriately dressed for a Saturday morning study at Panera, who appeared to not be gay...a rarity, who threw me a smile...I threw a smile back...it was a good conversation....a bit later I noticed he was a dentist, uh huh yup, and he was studying Pediatric Dentistry, which guys who want to work with kids always adorable...then Shannon came over and I filled her in on my find to which she replied "you gotta be kidding me" and started to crack up laughing. Then of course a couple of cute kids ran by the 3 of us and he smiled and winked at the little kids and Shannon and I did the silent, consecutive "awww" in our head.
Later a table of early 20 somethings came in and were discussing their 'relationships'...they were a bit annoying but the best line from that group was "well I wouldnt say he's my boyfriend, but we are dating sorta...or talking, I dunno, but I'm talking to this other guy with a shaved head, but no completely shaved there's a little hair, and I think I probably want to date him, but I dunno.".....nothing like a decisive bunch of girls....
And then there are the gay guys. The gay men of Chicago come in different shapes and sizes...no pun intended..but my favorite are the older gay guys who come into Panera in groups of 3 or 4. They are generally dressed very nicely in vivid colors with accessories ranging from fancy hats, to stylish scarves, man bags, or my recent favorite a wooden cane. They older gay guys sit and talk about some relevant or at least enticing issue, for about an hour or so then move along to who knows where. Today the topic of conversation was this particular man's dislike of the "new gay" male...basically he despised the heroine-chic, uber-bitchy, ultra-fem gay "male". Also he mentioned that he and his boyfriend Peter were going to go see the new Johnny Depp movie Libertine...(note to self check out new Johnny Depp film)...obviously I was really into my studying. Oh and I'm loving that the Mohawk is back...I am a fan.
The Lesbians: 3 categories- Manly- potbellies, workmen pants, men's belt buckles, boots, Quiet and Cutesy-not sure they were lesbians until you realized you had been renting movies for free for the last 3 visits to Hollywood Video, Scary Goth- they also are a fan of the Mohawk. Oh and apparently there is another category who write on the bathroom walls at Borders "Long Live the Dykes" and "2 Pussies Don't Stick"...I'm not exactly sure what that last one even means, it that supposed to be a good thing.
I realized why studying/zoning out at Borders that although I listen to music all day, I'm not really listening to what is being said...the John Mayer song "Love Song For No One" came on my Ipod and I actually listened to the lyrics...it's perfectly describes my current mind set. It's my new favorite song of the day...It's my "I'm getting ready to pass my boards dammit bring on the boys" song.
Also on the fabulous purchases of the day list are the Curious George Soundtrack, Dane Cook double disc with some extra video footage, Along Came Polly DVD, crepe mix, and lemon curd....I was in a mood to buy things, I can't really justify these purchases ....I'm in an interesting mood. I don't care about much of anything, I'm worn out mentally and so tired of thinking about every thing I'm just ready to start "fun" part of my Chicago life.....In general, I'm a very patient person, I'm just all out of it at the moment.


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