Dame Zapatos

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Chicago Boys

I have decided that the straight boys in my neighborhood fall into 1 of 4 categories.
1. "The Hoodie Boys"- They typically wear hoodies, Cubs, Bears, or Sox memorabilia, jeans that are on the baggier side, tennis shoes or some modification there of and occasionally sweat pants and baseball caps or some sorta "i just woke up and no I didnt brush my hair" thing.-
2. "The Pretty Boys aka MetroSexual"- These guys wear their dress shirts tucked into their tight-fitting -"yes we know your ass is hot"- designer jeans. They are often sporting very trendy shoes, Diesel-esque, and have more product in their hair than Christina Aquilera. These boys have highlights, freshly coiffed manes, and occasionally jewelry.
3. "The Comfy Boys with a Sense of Style"- These guys are the perfect combination of boys 1 and 2 and have obviously had some help from a girlfriend, sister, female best friend, or gay guy. These guys wear dress shirts untucked with designer jeans on occasion, but often just sport the latest Gap, H&M etc jeans. These guys wear an adequate amount of hair product, generally Crew or some other sort of pomade. Usually not donning highlights in all seasons, but may add a few in the summer months. If these guys wear a blazer, the collars are down, unlike the Metrosexuals. These guys sport more trendy Euro-inspired hair styles like the Modified Mohawk which is currently in style.
4. "The Wierdo"- these are the PUnK rOcKeR's with the 6 inch high mohawks, leather jackets, chains etc...nothing else needs to be said.

Oh and on another happy note, I bought 2 new pairs of shoes today!!!....I'm gonna re-count the shoes post-boards to calculate the stress related shoe purchases!!


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