Secret Obsession

It is a very well known fact that I have a...we'll call it...predisposition to shoe shopping. I think I have an innate..I'll go so far to say, gene-based, drive for shopping and fashion. Case in point, I was trying to remind my grandma who my friend Ryan was...and I was describing him and his family, trying to remember a story or something...and then all of a sudden it hits her..."is Ryan that kid you brought by the house when you were wearing that black and white dress with red 6 inches shoes?"....I of course chuckled, and said which she responded, "that was a cute little dress, I loved those shoes, too high for me at my age."
My obsession with cute girlie dresses and shoes is undeniable...but I have a secret shopping particular Borders. I find Barnes and Noble pretentious for some reason, however, when I lived in Philly, it was the closest bookstore to my house so I did frequent it....but now, back in fantastic Chicago, I am once again privy to a BORDERS!!!! walking distance...on MICHIGAN AVENUE...ahem..I ventured there today, tonite rather, to buy the next in the set of Stephanie Meyer's books...yes I've become on of those "Twilight" people...I tried to fight it...but the books are damn good! I finished "Twilight" while doing my cardio combo of bike/stair stepper/inclined fast walking...I had intended on running, but I can't run and read..soo yay priorities.
I love roaming around in bookstores, preferably zoning out listening to my Ipod, and looking for my next read....or five! So there I was, on the prowl...I had 4 books in my hand, plus New Moon...and then I realized, likely as a subconscious move to control my spending...that I had only put $25 dollars in my pocket!!!!!!...I had at least $50 in books in my hand....I was so I slowly put all the books back on there respective shelves...and thought to myself I will be back later...I'll see you tomorrow "Bro Code" "The Reader" "Stuff White People Like" & "Guide to India"...."New Moon"'re coming home with me tonite! time to get to my Tuesday night date...nothing like Hot Chocolate-Peppermint Schnapps and a good book!
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