Dame Zapatos

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Seriously who steals a Justin Timberlake c.d. from someone's car.........some little shit in my valet garage that's who....bastard dillweed shithead.....
Obviously one of the valet drivers has a secret addiction/gay crush on J.T. and cannot face the shame that would be brought upon him if he were to actually prance his little ass into Best Buy lay down $15 and I dunno buy something instead of steal it.
The worst part is I had literally just bought it and so it was not yet stored in my computer so I have to buy the whole thing again...which I will do as the c.d. is awesome.


On a happier note...RCIA was awesome again this week, gotta love any meeting that begins with wine, beer, food and The Simpsons.

Marathon in a week and a half...woohoo...the knees and ankles need a rest.

I finally seemed to break the 5 day bout of insomnia...woohoo 2 days in a row of good wine induced sleep ;-)

And once again fuck the cock sucker who stole my c.d. I hope that as they are putting the c.d. in their car cd player they are struck by a semi or CTA truck.....

Well I guess that's a bit harsh....but I do wish very bad things upon them!

time for a nightcap...then off to bed.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

One Vote for Thalacemia (Thalassemia)!!!

So good news is I am not a sickle cell carrier nor do I have any kidney issues.

Bad news is I have a decreased RBC count (anemia), microcytosis (small cells due to a lack of HgB), iron deficiency (usually due to poor diet or blood loss), and severly low HgB levels (which makes sense bc the rbc count is low and they carry the Hgb)....woohooo....All this equals poor oxygen delivery (and severe exhaustion)...which equals less oxygen to my muscles and vital organs (like my heart)especially during exertion i.e. marathon training...which equals possible cardiac arrest during said exertive activity................FABULOUS!

Now my HgB would have to drop 2 more points before I'd require blood transfusions(I'm at a 9 and 7 or below is really really bad as opposed to just really bad) and it would need to raise 4 more points for me to be in the normal zone. The doctor strongly recommends I do not run and asked "how committed are you to this marathon?"..."uh it's three weeks away...I'm doing it"....to which the dr. replied "well at least promise me that you are not trying to win the thing or even come close."...no worries doc I'm two hours behind the Nigerians.

So sadly this could be my last marathon...that is unless of course I have Thalacemia!!!! In which case my Hgb, while still low, would be more acceptable and only need to rise 1-ish points and I would be okay to run without risking my heart health....so let's hope the blood tests reveal thalacemia!

Otherwise they have to figure out where my HgB and RBC are going????

Gotta love that thalacemic silver lining :-)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Self-Preservation and Self-Reflection

Self preservation is part of an animal's instinct that demands that the organism survives. Pain and fear are parts of this mechanism. Pain causes discomfort so that the organism is inclined to stop the pain...From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So apparently this is an instinct that I have lacked for the last 5 years but I am currently working to develop as who likes pain...besides those wierd masochists....not that there's anything wrong with that..(Seinfeld anyone?)

In addition my RCIA classes began to day and I LOVE IT!!!! Old St. Pat's is fantastic and the people are really down to earth and laid back...and as an added bonus the main speaker/organizer guy Joe was saying to expect a lot of couples, engagements, and babies to come out of this RCIA class because that has been the pattern the last 4 years.....I got dibs on any cute athletic Irish/Italian/Spanish Catholics-non redhead, non freckled, non psycho- who thinks I am fabulous!....way to jinx myself...dammit ....good thing I was half-joking whew!

Also, there was another former Jehovah's Witness in the group...who'da thought...she cried..not sure why, but whatever.

I am excited to learn more about the Catholic faith cause what I have now is bits and pieces of what I learned in classes at SLU, what Nate told me, or what I've pulled from the various masses I've attended in the past 5 years.

Also I am currently caught up on Weed's, getting close to caught up on Entourage, trying to catch up with Arrested Development and Nip Tuck and will soon be starting the book "Smart Women Finish Rich."...a book my dad brought me for graduation that I promised to begin reading within a year from graduating.

And it's National Physical Therapy Month....so yeah give a PT a present!!