Dame Zapatos

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Da Bears.....

I went to Chi-town this past weekend to check out areas that are to be my future home. I had Matt and his friend Zach as my tour guides through Lakeview (aka boystown and I love it, it's woohoo fabulous!) and Lincoln Park. I've pretty much decided that Lakeview would be fantastic as, depending on which street you choose to live on, you are walking distance from both the lake and wrigley field. P.S. running on lakeshore drive is amazing!!
I got to meet up with Foley on Sunday which was great because I've always wanting to hangout with Foley in Chicago...I'm not sure why, just always seemed like it would be fun and different from hanging out with him in StL. It was and wasnt different....we still get interesting looks from scary black people, frequent ghetto establishments where Foley could die for sure and I could get molested, and go out to eat at restaurants where I inevitably over-order leaving Foley with leftovers for later...some things never change I guess. It was different in that for the most part John seemed really happy and excited to be there, (no one who is sane is happy to be in StL!) especially since he was so near his future he could taste it. So I got the grand tour of both his awesome condo and UIC. It was a personalized tour which featured cool stories about his parents. Anyway it was fun and I'm happy to have expereienced it, I didnt want to leave!
On the downside, Foley has a crazy stalker guy named Chad who obviously has small testicles and has never been laid. Chad has actually used the words "ill be looking for you at orientation."...oooookay, really. The sad thing is med school and dental school and most grad schools really that force you to be confined to hanging out with just your student body are often reincarnations of highschool, it sucks but it's life.
So Chicago is fantastic and I can't wait to move, Foley is doing well, and I can officially make it home from downtown in 4hrs and 15 min....woohoo fabulous!


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