Dame Zapatos

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Surfing does the body good. Posted by Picasa

Rosebud's Sorbet

I had the best steak ever at the Rosebud... was a petite filet mignon covered, and I do mean covered in this onion and mushroom sauce....I had no desire for A1...anyone who knows me well, knows that I hate steak without A1...A1 is fabulous..however, this steak was amazing and a perfectly prepared medium rare..it wasnt moo-ing but it was still pretty close to the ranch...and then there were these bacon chedder ranch mashed potatoes..yeah uh huh yuh...and there was this cauliflower au gratin..which they neglect to tell you is literally a whole head of cauliflower covered in crap...(wasnt my favorite bit...but cool presentation) and the grilled asparagus was fabulous as well...However the best part was the dessert..which for some odd reason I was initially going to reject but then I heard sorbet and mango, and got very excited..problem was i also got excited when I heart rasberry, lemon, and green apple..the waiter picked up on my excitement and brought me a scoop of each, which I finished..I did offer Martin some but he said "Love you are enjoying it so much, I wouldn't dare have you share it,please carry-on."... I only offer once, that was his loss because it was the best damn sorbet I've ever had!
Also British humor and vocabulary are interesting...Apparently it's all regional etc..similar to American slang and accents and vocab differences from coast to coast etc...funny thing is a lot of the slang has to do with this unusual rhymes...for instance...April=Ass because...April in Paris rhymes with *Heiress*, *Aris*totle rhymes with Bottle-Bottle's made of Glass-Glass rhymes with Ass or He's a Bubble and Squeak= He's Greek......it's a fun game, and apparently you can just make up whatever you want...she's a pot= she's hot...it's so fun!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Perfect teeth all around.. Posted by Picasa

Corsairs.....aka PIRATES! Posted by Picasa

Whipped Cream

Who would have thought turning a high school into a bar/casino/restaurant/entertainment venue would be sooooo fun!
Hanging out with John and Matt at their alma mater was an interesting experience to say the least. It was amazing how many people loved those guys...hence the free drinks all night! Allof the people that I met were so funny...drunk....but hilarious. Dirty jokes from a baseball coach..."do I have to put my head in the fence too"...followed by get whipped cream eaten out of my mouth by said baseball coach...then eating whipped cream out of John's mouth..and then eating 4 pickles, a corned beef sandwich, and a blueberry pancake "pig in a blanket"....Needless to say I like to eat and this combination of food with Guiness, Bud Light, and Miller Light led to a really really bad stomachache and really shitty "sleep".
Foley's mom and dad were so cute in their costumes for thier show. His dad had a fake pony tail and a bandana. His mom was Medusa. She was quite entertaining and she told me this morning that from the first time she saw a show at the school when John was little, she knew she wanted to be apart of the shows...apparently she had the lead in a high school play...She said that it's a great way to get to know the parents and have some fun, because as you get older moments of fun are few and far between.

Anyway I love hanging out with families doing nothting but hanging out. And how cute is it that Mamma Foley woke me up to give me a hug!!!! I love her! It is such a relaxing atmosphere, that I hate leaving.

OOoh and I met this cool PT who let me partcipate in giving Elaine and John their therapy...he's amazing and gave me some good advice on continuing education for manual therapy...I would love to watch this guy work all day, I learned alot in an hour.

I hope to hang out with the Foley family again soon. They make you feel right at home.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Well, at least I live here! Posted by Picasa

An Odd State of Mind

I had my first patients today. It was nice yet surreal as I thought, "are you sure I can't kill a patient, oh I can, I just probably should try not too, are you sure you want me working for you?"....Gotta love self-doubt!
Where does the self-doubt come from...I'm going to go ahead and pull the mom card here...I realize there is no logical reason for me to doubt my abilities as a Physical Therapist...I graduated With Honors from a nationally recognized, top Physical Therapy program, I've gotten good reviews from all my CI's including comments..."you're going to make a great PT one day", my patients like me, etc etc...however, I think the stress of preparing for the boards, combined with family stress, combined with boy stress-really just Valentine's Day Stress... I hate that fucking Holiday, combined with "when am I gonna work out" stress, combined with my mother was in Chicago and mentioned moving here might be a good idea-stress...has resulted in self-doubt, migraines, insomnia, and recently an ulcer I think...I do not believe your stomach is meant to burn after every meal...and the stomach burning increased upon meeting up with my mom and the longer we were there the worse it got and Pepcid was not cutting it...I've have given myself a damn ulcer.
Anyway, this all being said, I'm in a odd-terrible-quasi bitchy-depressed-scared-angry mood that cannot be a good combination. I'm exhausted because I cant sleep and I'm getting not enough sleep because of the insomnia and attempt to study for 6 hours post a full days work..............I heart my life right now...it will be a little better after St. Paddy's Day...unless I feel I bombed the exam...in which case hide all sharp objects, weapons, credit cards, and liquor...oh and my car keys.
Somebody's got a case of the Mondays.......
I hope.