Dame Zapatos

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I Heart Seven Hour Drives....yay friends!

I went to StL this weekend despite the fact that the whole Columbia thing was cancelled. I figured it was good to get out of Omaha for a bit and hang out with my friends...namely Elizabeth, John Fischer, and Krissy. Upon leaving for the Lou I didnt know if I would see J.Kraus or not but I decided not to worry about it and take things as they came. Elizabeth had all this stuff planned out it was quite nice not to have to think of fun things to do for once. We were having a Sex-in-the-City mini-marathon on Thursday, happy hour party on Friday, and Six Flags on Saturday, for free!!
I gave Krissy and call and she informed me that "the boys"...aka Cundiff, Kraus, and Big Fella were having a party on Friday because Big Fella finished his peds shelf...she's like you should come, call Kraus and then come. So I decided no harm in calling and that I wouldnt bring up his party but if he asked me to come I would....and he did ask me to come, in fact he said if you don't show up, I will call and harass you. Yay! So I made blenders full of mango margaritas for Eli's party and stayed there until 8 ish then went to "the boys" house. Upon my arrival, Jon was nowhere to be found. Everyone was asking me "where's Kraus" and I was responding " I have absolutely no idea". We checked outside and saw that his car was still there, then proceeded to check the stairwells and backyard..no luck. Nicole was like "did you check his room? He was pretty drunk, maybe he passed out."I said I did not feel comfortable just opening up his room door so I told Nicole to do it! And there he was in the fetal position, out cold. I decided jumping on the bed was a good plan of action. He eventually woke up only to passing out about and hour later. He just kept saying,"I'm in bad shape"...as he leaned on the keg which was also aiding him in standing. I didnt know exactly how the evening would end or how I wanted it to end given we had ended things as being just friends because of bad timing etc...but I was quite sure that he would be completely useless for the rest of the night and that I was in no shape to drive so as the rest of the party moved to Blueberry Hill we went to sleep, and actually slept, woohoo yay friends! :-) :-(
The next morning I was extremely hung over as was he and so we just talked for a while about our families and what we had been up to the last 3 weeks etc. It was refreshing and depressing all at once. We went out to eat at the Macaroni Grill and said goodbye with a hug and then Jon gave me a thumbs up followed by "feel free to come visit me more often." He handles awkward situations in the same manner I would...with humor.


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