Dame Zapatos

Friday, August 19, 2005

I Am a Certifiable HeadCase....12 times a year!

So I had a slight mental/emotional breakdown last night regarding my singledom...I am gonna pull the PMS-card as I never pull that card and I have no other logical reason to explain the breakdown. I woke up at 230 am with a splitting headache not sure if it was from all the crying or if it was allergies or what, but it was something that was not to be ignored. I hobbled, blindly, downstairs poured 6, count em 6, ibuprofen in my hand and threw them all back at once. When at 330 the pain had not subsided i thought, perhaps allergies, I threw back two benadryl and woke up to my alarm at 545, pushed snooze til 625 then hit the shower. I woke up still feeling worthless and like ass but the hot shower was nice. The headache started to come back around 9 so i downed 3 advil and went to see my first patient. I had all 5 patients to myself today as my CI was out of town and the PRN PT had no idea what was going on. It was cool. I felt smart and like a grown up. I came home still feeling like ass until I talked to my dad, not about currently being uncomfortable with singledom, but about the latest Nate story that I believe is a load of crap. (Nate drugged, beaten and all his shit, including his beamer stolen etc....if you were meant to know the story, you've been told it). I told my dad my theory on the story, and what i believe actually happened. He paused and stated, you know what I thought some pieces of the story didnt make sense, Why would they drug him then beat him while he was out? Who drugs someone's drink then puts drugs into their veins via their ankles?....things that make you go hmmm. Then my dad uttered the words I have wanted him to say since last October..."Amber I think you made the right call with this Nate guy. I'm proud of you, can't believe you put up with all those crazy lies for so long." And magically I feel better, sorta. Not the full-on 100% uber-happy I dont need a guy Amber but content enough for the time being to hang out with the few friends I have here, learn what I can from my clinical, and keep up with the lives of the friends I've left behind in New Mexico, St. Louis, California, and Chicago. And the quote I will have to remember to live by comes from a not so good movie called The Upside to Anger...Kevin Costner in reference to a woman who's husband left her and the woman's ability to move onto a new healthy relationship said..."Oh you'll heal funny, but you'll heal. You'll just always walk with a limp.".....I'm okay with limping.


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