Dame Zapatos

Friday, December 16, 2005

Finally received the call....

So I have pretty much been harassing my sister for the last two weeks asking if she has gone into labor yet. Everyday that the phone rings and "Nova" appears on the screen I get really excited only to have her ask me "if Samara ate two antacids should I be worried?" or " If Samara ate a bottle of moisturizer, should I take her to the hospital?"...or my favorite "If I am 3 cm dilated but I'm not having regular contractions, should I go to the hospital?" But alas, today I got the real call from the delivery room..."I'm getting ready for my epidural!"....which means I'm gonna be an Aunt again...yay!!! I hope to soon welcome Nicholas Evan Oseland Jr. to the world...I will keep everyone updated!
Also Shannon and I found an apartment....at The Belmont House....now it's very important to say that we are staying at "The Belmont" with a specific sorta snobbish yet humorous voice that Matt came up with, because it's funny as hell...if you are unfamiliar either Shannon or I will teach you as it is a prerequisite to entering the apartment at "The Belmont".
Okay well time for bed because we have sooooo much shit to do in preparation for the wine tasting party tomorrow...no we are not hob-knobby, we just like to drink, and will throw a party with a theme in order to have an excuse to buy 40 bottles of wine!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

and if Clive and Jenni weren't enough...as an added bonus the movie also features Xzibit and the Rza....oooh, ya know ya wanna see it now Posted by Picasa


So today I went to Kohl's to buy a picture frame or two...I left with 2 new sweaters, 3 tshirts, and 2 pairs of pants, When I got to the parking lot I realized that I had forgetten about the picture frame...damnit!!!
Rather than going back into the store and risk venturing into the shoe department (who am I kidding I checked for shoes to, there was nothing good!)I just continued on to Applebee's for my ritual Saturday night dinner and drink followed by a movie tradition. Tonite's pick was Derailed. On the way to the movie the ice storm was starting but did I turn around and go back to the hotel? Oh no, I kept on a trecking. Derailed was an amazing movie with lots of twists and turns and featured the hot Brit, Clive Owen...oh and Jennifer Aniston for the boys. Upon leaving the theatre I noticed that my car was covered with a thick sheet of ice and that people where sliding all around the parking lot....needless to say the 20 minute drive back to my hotel became a 45 minute drive of death, where I feared all exit ramps, semi's and possible deer. I was not able to break the thick layer of ice from my side-view mirrors so really I was just winging it when I changed lanes. I must say I have never been so happy to have arrived at my hotel room than I am right now!

So, Derailed, go see it, it was gooood....
p.s. this movie Memoirs of a Geisha is going to be coming out soon, it looks amazing as well!

Tomorrow Flick: either Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or Just Friends