Dame Zapatos

Saturday, December 03, 2005


So today I went to Kohl's to buy a picture frame or two...I left with 2 new sweaters, 3 tshirts, and 2 pairs of pants, When I got to the parking lot I realized that I had forgetten about the picture frame...damnit!!!
Rather than going back into the store and risk venturing into the shoe department (who am I kidding I checked for shoes to, there was nothing good!)I just continued on to Applebee's for my ritual Saturday night dinner and drink followed by a movie tradition. Tonite's pick was Derailed. On the way to the movie the ice storm was starting but did I turn around and go back to the hotel? Oh no, I kept on a trecking. Derailed was an amazing movie with lots of twists and turns and featured the hot Brit, Clive Owen...oh and Jennifer Aniston for the boys. Upon leaving the theatre I noticed that my car was covered with a thick sheet of ice and that people where sliding all around the parking lot....needless to say the 20 minute drive back to my hotel became a 45 minute drive of death, where I feared all exit ramps, semi's and possible deer. I was not able to break the thick layer of ice from my side-view mirrors so really I was just winging it when I changed lanes. I must say I have never been so happy to have arrived at my hotel room than I am right now!

So, Derailed, go see it, it was gooood....
p.s. this movie Memoirs of a Geisha is going to be coming out soon, it looks amazing as well!

Tomorrow Flick: either Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or Just Friends


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