Dame Zapatos

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Thing About Boys in Uniforms is.....

When I was in Chicago this weekend, I got into this conversation with Foley about women's attraction to men in uniforms. I explained to him that not only is it the "does their ass look good in the uniform" factor but there is also a "hero" factor involved. In the boring and long drive back to Ohio on Sunday, I got to thinking about this a little more....what is it about boys in uniforms? What I came up with is that, aesthetics aside, the uniform has nothing to do with it....*shock* *awe* *oh no she didnt*...oh yes I did make this bold statement. What it comes down to is the can this guy take care of me factor...girls like feeling taken care of. For girls, it really is the little things that count. I dont know if boys know how truly simple it is to make a girl happy. So for the handful of guy friends who read this...listen up, this should be helpful and for the chicas...feel free to make comments or add to my list.
The Lovely List of Little Things
1. Letting her order first

2. Letting her eat of off your plate

3. Ordering her meal...only if it is a familiar restaurant and you are absolutely certain of what she wants...otherwise avoid this one

4. Taking initiative...Plan out the dates...it's nice of you to ask us what we want to do, but it is much more fun for us if you just decide something and say "we are going to do... tonite"... If something is broke and it involves anything mechanical or electronic, fix it for us, or it at least direct us to someone who can.

5. Open doors...not necessary for some, but hella bonus points if you do it

6. Hail taxis...it is just pure hotness to see a guy properly hail a taxi...this rules goes for when you will be riding in the taxi with her or if you will be sending her off

7. Offer to help out with dinner...she will likely tell you "no i'm fine" but she secretly wants you to do the dishes!

8. Along the lines of dinner...pick up the table, refill the drinks, make sure she has all the proper utensils, condiments etc...before you sit down and start chowing down.

9. Pet names used at unexpected times and in moderation....my personal favorites are "baby/babe" or "sweetheart" but you have to figure out what's comfortable for you

10. She doesnt have to finish first...but make damn sure she finishes...(think about it!)

11. Sometimes hugs are better than kisses

12. Compliments, we like them, no matter how small

I just wanted to point out some of these little things, I hope it was enlightening or at least entertaining.


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